List of Martial Arts Strength Training Exercises 您所在的位置:网站首页 strength and conditioning exercise list List of Martial Arts Strength Training Exercises

List of Martial Arts Strength Training Exercises

2023-03-26 09:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

This page explores a wide range of martial arts strength training exercises. These exercises help to improve punching power, kicking power and grappling techniques. They are designed to enhance upper body, lower body and core strength.

On your “off days” when you do not have your regular martial arts classes, you will need to cross-train and develop your strength in order to maximize your potential as a martial artist. Try to mix up martial arts and sports strength training exercises in order to work on different muscles and moderate the potential for training burnout and boredom. You should also alternate your exercise focus areas in order to allow for muscle recuperation days (i.e. Monday focus on upper body strength training, Tuesday focus on lower body, etc.) in order to reduce the potential for overuse injuries and to maximize muscle recovery and improvement.

Before any strength training, martial artists should stretch and warm-up. All stretches and exercises should be supervised by a trained instructor in order to prevent injuries and to ensure the proper technique is utilized. If you have had an injury or are in pain, please see a doctor before starting any stretching or exercise program. For additional stretches and exercises, please visit the main Martial Arts Physical Fitness section.

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Traditional Martial Arts Strength & Conditioning Drills – Many of these traditional training methods can cause injuries. Use with caution.

Dynamic Tension – Dynamic tension is used frequently in martial arts such as Karate. Hojo Undo – Traditional strength training exercises used in Japanese martial arts such as Karate. Isometric Exercises – These traditional exercises are used by many martial arts and include the well-known horse riding stance. Kung Fu Eagle Claw Push-Ups – Finger tip push-ups used in traditional Kung Fu training, especially Eagle Claw Kung Fu. Knuckle Push-Ups – Traditional hand and wrist conditioning exercise. Kung Fu Iron Palm Training – In this exercise, martial art students attempt to strengthen the bones in their hands by hitting bags filled with sand, beans, gravel or iron ball bearings. Medicine Ball Stomach Conditioning – This is an old boxing technique used to help fighters to better absorb punches to the stomach. Muay Thai Shin Conditioning – In this traditional martial arts exercise, martial art students attempt to strengthen their shin by hitting it with hard objects. Rice Bucket Hand Exercise – The rice bucket drill focuses on strengthening a martial artists’s gripping power. Sand Bucket Hand Exercises – The sand bucket drill focuses on strengthening a martial artists’s gripping power. Stone Target – Hand Conditioning Exercises – In this exercise, martial art students attempt to strengthen the bones in their hands by striking hard objects (such as stones or bricks). Traditional Karate Hand Conditioning Drills – This Karate training exercise involves hitting a Makiwara (padded striking board). Traditional Taekwondo Hand Conditioning Drills Traditional Taekwondo Shin Conditioning Drills Also visit our section on traditional martial arts training equipment that are used to build strength and conditioning (i.e. Nigiri Game – Gripping Jars, Chi Ishi – Weighted Levers and Tetsu Geta – Iron Sandals).

Upper Body Strength Training Exercises – These upper body exercises will help you to generate stronger punches and grappling techniques. These sports exercises work on strengthening the muscles in your chest, shoulders, back and arms.

Back Extensions – Back extensions work on the muscles of your lower back. Barbell Row – The barbell row exercise works on the muscles of your upper back (i.e. lats and traps). Battle Ropes or Heavy Ropes – This exercise improves your upper body strength and conditioning. Bear Crawl – Strength & conditioning exercise. Bench Press Variations Bench Press – The traditional flat bench press that focuses primarily on your chest muscles. Close Grip Bench Press – This exercise gives greater emphasis to your triceps. Decline Bench Press – The decline bench press targets the lower chest muscles. Incline Bench Press – The incline bench press targets the upper chest muscles. Bicep Curls – This exercise works on your biceps. Chair Dips or Bench Dips – This exercise focuses on your triceps. Chest Fly – The chest fly works mainly on your chest (pectoral muscles) and shoulders. Chin-Up – Chin-Ups work primarily on strengthening your arm and shoulder muscles. Concentration Curls Dips Dumbbell Press Dumbbell Pullover – Dumbbell pullovers work on your chest (pectoral muscles), shoulders, triceps, etc. Dumbbell Row or One Armed Bent-Over Dumbbell Row Dumbbell Shoulder Press Dumbbell Shrugs – This exercise works on the muscles in your shoulders and upper back. Moreover, it puts significant emphasis on your upper trapezius muscles. French Press – The french press works your triceps and forearms. Hammer Curls – Hammer curls work on your biceps and forearms. It works on different areas of the arm (esp. forearm) than traditional bicep curls. Hand Gripper Exercises – Exercises for greater hand and grip strength. Incline Press – The incline press targets the upper chest muscles. Isometric Push-Ups – Isometric push-ups provide a core and upper body workout. Lat Pulldown – Lat pulldowns work on your back, shoulder and arm muscles. Lateral Raise Military Press – The military press focuses on primarily on the shoulders and triceps. Preacher Curls – Preacher curls work on your biceps and forearms.


Pullover – This chest exercise uses a dumbbell or barbell. Pull-Ups – Pull-ups work primarily on your arm and shoulder muscles. Push-Ups Traditional Push-Up – The basic push-up focuses on your chest, shoulders, triceps, etc. Clapping Push-Up – This is a great plyometrics exercise for building explosive chest power. Eagle Claw Push-Ups – Eagle claw push-ups are used to strengthen fingers/hands as well as the muscles in your chest, shoulders, triceps, etc. Elevated Push-Up – Elevated push-ups put a greater emphasis on your upper chest and shoulder muscles. This technique is also known as a decline push-up. Incline Push-Ups – Incline push-ups are easier push-ups as you are doing a push-up against a wall, etc. Judo Push-Ups – Judo push-ups strengthen your arms, shoulders and chest. They also help your core strength. Knee Push-Ups – This is an easy modified push-up used by people recovering from an injury or beginners who lack sufficient upper body strength for regular push-ups. Knuckle Push-Ups – Some martial artists use this exercise to “strengthen” their knuckles by making them less sensitive to hitting hard targets. Medicine Ball Push-Ups – This medicine ball exercise puts more emphasis on your triceps. One Arm Push-Ups Pike Push-Up – This push-up variation places greater emphasis on your shoulders. Plyometric Push-Up – A plyometrics exercise for building explosive chest power. Single Arm Medicine Ball Push-Ups Single Leg Push-Ups – This push-up exercise will also help your core strength. T Push-Up – This advanced push-up exercise can be done with or without dumbbells. Triangle Push-Up or Diamond Push-Up – This push-up variation places greater emphasis on your triceps. Wide Grip Push-Ups – This push-up variation places greater emphasis on your chest muscles. Additional Push-Up Variations


Reverse Curls – This exercise will increase the strength of your forearms and biceps. It works on different areas of the arm (esp. forearm) than traditional bicep curls. Reverse Fly – The reverse fly works on your back and shoulder muscles. Seated Cable Rows Shoulder Press Shoulder Shrugs with Dumbbells – Shoulder shrugs work on the muscles in your shoulders and upper back. Triceps Extensions Barbell Lying Triceps Extension or Barbell Skull Crusher Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension or Dumbbell Skull Crusher Seated Triceps Extensions Standing Triceps Extensions Triceps Kickbacks Triceps Pushdowns Upright Row Wheelbarrow Race – Strength & conditioning exercise. Workout Bars – Padded workout bars can be used for upper body functional strength training exercises. Sort of like a thicker & heavier Bo staff (but for strength training versus staff training). Wrist Curls – A wrist curl improves your forearm, wrist and hand strength. Reverse Wrist Curls – Reverse wrist curls improve your forearm, wrist and hand strength. Wrist Rollers or Wrist Rolls

Core Strength Training Exercises – These core exercises will help your rotational power or “twisting” power and thus lead to stronger kicks, punches and grappling techniques. These sports exercises are designed to strengthen your abs, obliques and lower back.

Bent Leg Raise Bicycle Kicks Bird Dog Boat Pose – This Yoga technique is a great core exercise. Bridge – Two leg version Bridge – Single Leg Bridge Cork Screw Exercises Crunch Exercises Bicycle Crunch Cross Crunches – The cross crunch works on your abs & obliques. Crunches – This is the basic crunch exercise. Foot-to-Foot Crunches Long Arm Crunches Oblique or Side Crunches – This core exercise is done while lying on the floor and focuses on your side/oblique muscles. Reverse Crunches Standing Alternating Knee To Elbow Crunches Standing Oblique Crunch – The standing oblique crunch can be done with or without weights. V-Crunches Vertical Crunch Dead Bug Exercise Dumbbell Side Bends Flutter Kicks Hanging Leg Raises Incline Sit-Ups


Isometric Push-Ups – Isometric push-ups provide a core and upper body workout. Jumping Oblique Twists Kick Outs Knee Drops Leg Drops Leg Lifts Leg Throw Downs – This is a partner assisted core exercise. Oblique V-Up Plank Exercises Dolphin Planks Knee Planks Medicine Ball Planks – The instability of the medicine ball enhances the overall core workout provided by this exercise. One Legged Planks or Single Leg Planks Plank – This is the basic plank exercise. Plank and Reach Plank Jacks Plank Shoulder Taps Reverse Plank – This plank exercise targets your lower back and abs. Side Plank – This plank exercise targets your obliques, etc. Side Plank Dips Single Arm Planks – This plank variation is similar to the Plank and Reach. However, students only hold one arm out during this exercise (versus alternating their arms). Single Leg Planks Spiderman Plank Straight Arm Plank – Unlike a traditional plank, you are resting on your hands and not on your forearms. It is like a stationary push-up. Superman Plank T-Plank Upward Plank Pose


Seated Russian Twist – This is an advanced core exercise. Sit-Ups Standing Opposite Knee To Elbow Stomach Vacuum or Abdominal Draw-in Exercise Prone Superman Pulse Ups V-Ups Windmills Windmills with Weights Windshield Washer Woodchopper

Lower Body Strength Training Exercises – These leg exercises will help you to generate stronger martial arts kicks. These sports exercises strengthen the muscles in your calves, quads, hips, etc.

Balance Squats Barbell Squats Calf Raise Cleans Deadlifts – Also works your back muscles Front Squats-a squat variation that works the upper body Heel Drop Exercise Kneeling Rear Leg Raise – This is a glute and hamstring exercise. Lateral Jumps Leg Curls Leg Extensions Leg Press Lunges Lunge Jumps One Legged Squat Reach Pistol Squats – Pistol squats are a leg strengthening and balance exercise. Side Lunges Squats or Air Squats Squat Jumps Stadium Stair Workouts – Stair Runs or Stadium Stair Workouts Step-Ups Tuck Jumps Walking Lunge Wall Sit

Martial Arts Strength Training

Martial Arts Strength Training

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